photo of a field of cultivated hemp.
Photo by Mark Stebnicki via Pexels.

USDA to Conduct Hemp Acreage and Production Survey

Photo by Mark Stebnicki via Pexels.

Editor’s Note: The following article is derived from officially released information, published with few or no editorial changes. The Greylock Glass  occasionally provides our readers with such content if the information is factual in nature, and requires little to no interpretation or analysis, often when original reportage would provide little to no additional relevant information.

HARRISBURG, Pa — The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) will survey producers throughout the U.S. as part of its Hemp Acreage and Production Survey. 

The Hemp Acreage and Production Survey collects information on total planted and harvested area, yield, production, and value of hemp in the United States. Data will be collected for hemp grown in the open and under protection.

“This inaugural survey will set the benchmark for hemp acreage and production to assist regulatory agencies, producers, state governments, processors, and other key industry entities,” said King Whetstone, director of the NASS Northeastern Regional Field Office. “This data will also support the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service to administer and monitor states and Indian Tribes who are approved under the 2018 Farm Bill to grow domestic hemp that will supply production for this emerging industry.”

Farmers are encouraged to respond online at or by mail. Alternatively, within the next few weeks, NASS representatives will contact selected growers to arrange telephone interviews to complete the survey. 

NASS safeguards the privacy of all respondents and publishes only aggregate data, ensuring that no individual operation or producer can be identified, as required by federal law.

Survey results will be published on the NASS Quick Stats database at For more information, please call the NASS Northeastern Regional Field Office at (800) 498-1518.

NASS is the federal statistical agency responsible for producing official data about U.S. agriculture and is committed to providing timely, accurate and useful statistics in service to U.S. agriculture.

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