Stocking locations are updated daily on the map below. Click any point on the map for more information. Don’t forget your fishing license—buy online at MassFishHunt.
An Incomplete List of Massachusetts Fishing Rules
Possession is illegal for: Sturgeon (all species), American Brook Lamprey, Atlantic (sea-run) Salmon, Bridle Shiner, Burbot, Eastern Silvery Minnow, Lake Chub, Longnose Sucker, and Northern Redbelly Dace. If they are caught, they must be released immediately. This means remove hook or cut line and return fish to water immediately — do not wait to take pictures, use a stringer, put it in a net, or delay in any way the immediate return and release of these rare fish to the water!
Freshwater fishing licenses
Anglers ages 15 years or older need a license to fish. Fishing licenses are free for anglers ages 15-17 and for anglers ages 70 and older. Buy a fishing license on MassFishHunt.
Definitions, Limits, Restrictions
1 Minimum length is measured in a straight line (not curved over the body) from the tip of the snout to the tip of the tail. The tips of any forked tail may be squeezed together for the final measurement.
2 Trout is defined here as brook, brown, rainbow, and tiger trout (a cross between a female brown and a male brook trout). From Apr. 1 to Sept. 10, no more than 8 of these trout may be taken daily, and only 3 of those trout may be from lakes, ponds, or major rivers3. From Sept. 11 to Mar. 31, no more than 3 of these trout may be taken daily.
3 Major rivers: Childs, Coonamessett, Deerfield, Farmington, Green (Colrain), Green (Great Barrington), Ipswich, Jones, Mashpee, Millers, Nissitissit, North (Colrain), North (West Branch), Parker, Quaboag, Quinapoxet, Quinebaug, Seven Mile, Santuit, Scorton Creek, Shawsheen, Squannacook, Stillwater (Sterling, Princeton), Swift (East Branch), Swift (Winsor Dam to Ware River, except where posted), Tully (East and West Branches), Ware, Ware (East Branch), Westfield (all branches).
4 Mainstem Housatonic only, from the confluence of the East and West Branches to the border between MA and CT, except catch-and-release areas where no trout may be kept.
Much more information about Freshwater Fishing available at the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife.