The preliminary election results put John Barrett III and Richard Acombright on the election ballot for November.
The preliminary election results put John Barrett III and Richard Acombright on the election ballot for November; photo courtesy

The Top Left Corner #19: Preliminary Elections, Same Old Issues?

September 24, 2015

Tammy Daniels discusses the results of the preliminary elections in North Adams and Pittsfield


The preliminary election results put John Barrett III and Richard Acombright on the election ballot for November.
The preliminary election results put John Barrett III and Richard Acombright on the election ballot for November; photo courtesy








Just a little more than one bruising month of political skirmishes to find out who among yesterday’s elections winners will lead their cities through the thorny political, fiscal, and social issues that seem a long way from resolutions.


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2 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. Driving around Pittsfield, all I see is Tyer signs everywhere. I would be really surprised if Tyer does not win big in Pittsfield in November because the ratio of Tyer to Bianchi signs are something like 12:1

  2. Also it is worth adding that Pittsfield is shedding people faster than any city or town in New England for the past several years based on percent of population. It has been this way for a while now.

    Pittsfield really needs a GE replacement which it never got, just like North Adams needs its Sprague replcement.

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