All schools in the Mount Greylock Regional School District return to lunch in cafeterias beginning Monday, March 28; photo by xixinxing, via

MGRSD students return to eating in common in cafeterias next week

Pool testing conducted in MGRSD on March 22 indicated three total new cases across the district, marking the second week in a row that district numbers from pool testing have been low.
March 24, 2022

WILLIAMSTOWN — As of March 28, Mount Greylock Regional School District students will return to dining at tables in the cafeterias, according to a superintendent’s letter from sent home Wednesday. 

Superintendent of Schools, Jake McCandless, indicated that all three schools will have alternate seating available that maintains distance for all students who choose, or whose parent, guardian, or caretaker chooses.

“We completely understand that every family has different needs related to the loosening of pandemic restrictions,” McCandless wrote, “and students who choose to remain seated at TV trays and at a safer feeling distance from other students can expect to do so with no threat of being singled out or otherwise made to feel uncomfortable. “

He noted that the round of pool testing conducted on March 22 indicated three total new cases across the district, marking the second week in a row that district numbers from pool testing have been low. The CDC continues to rate Berkshire County’s community Covid-19 level as “Low.” 

McCandless explained that he wanted parents and caretakers to have a few days of advance notice of this change, as the conversations that some need to have will require time, as does the consideration of how to approach this change. 

“As always,” he said in the letter, “we are grateful to you for being partners in the work of educating our students. We encourage everyone who can be fully vaccinated to please do so.”

He encouraged all families to participate in MGRD’s weekly pool testing program and weekly test-at-home program so that the entire district can remain watchful of local and regional data related to Covid-19 as Spring ushers in the final few months of the school year. 

Jason Velázquez

Jason Velázquez has worked in print and digital journalism and publishing for two decades.
Phone: (413) 776-5125

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