WDIJW? Climate Crisis, and Why We Should Panic, voiced by Keira Knightley

August 31, 2020

Editor’s Note: All text by Extinction Rebellion.

“Extinction Rebellion has relaunched a short animated film entitled Climate Crisis, and Why We Should Panic. Written, directed and animated by Miritte Ben Yitzchak and voiced by British actress Keira Knightley, it urges us all to Act Now before it is too late.”

“The animated short Climate Crisis, and Why We Should Panic, is the second of a two-part explainer video series for Extinction Rebellion, focusing on the climate and ecological crisis. Voiced by Keira Knightley, it explains what’s causing climate change, why governments must enter crisis mode to tackle this issue, and what will happen if we don’t do something about it now.”

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